At the doctor's
A few months ago I did a draft for a series of illustrations for an international medical company and their ad campaign on disease...
Tilting text to a cube
Just the other day I tried doing an exercise with tilting text as if it were around a cube shape. It is quite a simple exercise (using...
Unplug and relax - The People We Are June edition
Here it is, the last edition of the 2015-16 The People We Are featuring Michela Lazzè, owner and manager of Villa La Trinità . Inside the...
C'era una volta Caterina, la venerabile...
Il prossimo incontro del Festival Morlupo Città della Poesia sarà sabato 25 giugno. L'evento è dedicata a Caterina Paluzzi, mistica,...
Jubilee Logo for PWA
Our fabulous association is getting ready to celebrate the 25th Silver Anniversary. Naturally we need a logo to make it all official and...