A farewell from the Newsletter Editor
In an airplane emergency mothers are always advised to put on their own oxygen masks first and then help their children putting on...
PWA season to conclude with Summer Party
PWA is wrapping up the 2016-17 season and has offered extremely interesting conferences all year. Thismonth we talked about nutrition and...
Inclusione, stoffe e solidarietÃ
Immaginatevi un gruppo di donne di tutte le età , radunate a cucire, ricamare e lavorare a maglia in una stanza piena di gioia e...
Unplug and relax - The People We Are June edition
Here it is, the last edition of the 2015-16 The People We Are featuring Michela Lazzè, owner and manager of Villa La Trinità . Inside the...
Jubilee Logo for PWA
Our fabulous association is getting ready to celebrate the 25th Silver Anniversary. Naturally we need a logo to make it all official and...