People worth melting for
This Monday morning my heart just explodes with gratitude for all the wonderful people I have in my life. My family, relatives,...
Pronte per un autunno scoppiettante
Anche in questi giorni caldi e lenti di fine agosto noi iguane siamo impegnate a preparare novità per l'autunno. Libri con storie...
Since 18 years in Italy, August has become the month of lemonade and citrus fruits for me. Most years it is almost unbearably hot and a...
Carpenter logo and business cards
After almost 6 years of independent work as a graphic designer, my favorite job is still designing a logo. Carlo, a local carpenter,...
Comforter or phone cover with my design
There is a great society full of talented artists who sell all kinds of useful products portraying their art. I am now a part of it!...
Love affair with the woods
It is almost time to fly home to Finland for our traditional one-month summer vacation at the summer cottage in Lemi (Eastern Finland in...
Today's inspiration
I was getting inspired by the fabulous world of illustrations by Ed Emberley and started drawing simple animal figure using triangles,...
A farewell from the Newsletter Editor
In an airplane emergency mothers are always advised to put on their own oxygen masks first and then help their children putting on...
Give me... water to swim in!
Summer has never been one of my favorite seasons, I love spring and fall for the drastic change they bring about in nature and I don't...
Che soddisfazione!
Il Salone del Libro di Torino è stato davvero una bellissima esperienza. Vedere tutti i libri iguaneschi che ho impaginato e le copertine...