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Dazzling anniversary logo for WIN

You won't believe how super-excited I am as next Monday I will be traveling to Oslo, Norway, to participate at the 20th international WIN conference. This is my third time at WIN and I can say, it is a mind-blowing opportunity to network, learn and grow together with hundreds of international women and men.

I am even more excited as I had the pleasure to design the anniversary logo for WIN. It is so inspiring to work with women like WIN-founder Kristin Engvig and I am thrilled she accepted my proposal for the anniversary logo. I did not want to modify the existing logo, but rather just add the anniversary element to it. And it was easy, as WIN's current logo already has the circle that is like number 0.

This year is the 20th time the international conference meets in Europe and I am sure it will be absolutely fabulous! After the conference I will tell you all about it!


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Hanna Suni, illustrator and graphic designer.

From creative planning and design to effective implementation.  

© 2022 by Hanna Suni


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